Construction coordination taken to the next level

IG-control is your reliable partner for accident-free construction projects.

We provide expert consulting and tailored safety solutions for construction site coordination as regulated by the Austrian law: Bauarbeitenkoordinationsgesetz (BauKG).

Our recipe for success is our own employees and the experience gained from over 1,000 construction sites.

Construction safety for the metro construction project

Matzleinsdorfer Platz junction
Underground construction U2/section 18

The ground-breaking ceremony south of Triester Straße took place in autum 2018, as the new U5 is set to be Vienna’s first fully automatic subway line between Karlsplatz and Frankhplatz from 2025. Construction of the new U2 line to Matzleinsdorfer Platz will be completed in 2027.

The substrate sets the tone:

Different construction methods are being used for the construction of the U2 extension and the new U5, depending on the local conditions and the nature of the subsoil: the Mole tunnel boring machine is largely being used for the line tunnels, while the new Austrian tunnel construction method is being used everywhere for the station tunnels.

Construction safety during the construction of the ÖBB workshop in Simmering

ÖBB is investing in the expansion of night train services therefore, the approximately 150-year-old workshop site in Vienna Simmering is being expanded and modernized. A new maintenance hall for the future Nightjet trainsets has been under construction there since August 2020.

BauKG (Baukoordinationsgesetz = Austrian Construction Coordination Law)

Safety first

Project Management

Transfer of obligations arising for the construction client from the BauKG:

  • §3 Appointment of the planning and construction site coordinator
  • §4 Para. 1 Requesting coordination by the planning coordinator
  • §6 Creating the advance notice in the BUAK portal (= Austrian platform for the construction workers’ holiday and severance fund)

  • §7 and §8 Requesting the implementation of the SiGe plan (Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan = Health and Safety Plan) and documentation for subsequent work

Planning Coordination

  • Presentation of the evaluation of the hazards in advance, in relation to the construction project (military explosives, excavation safety, …)
  • Preparation of a SiGe (Health and Safety Plan) based on the planning principles provided
  • Fall protection concept, provision for later maintenance
  • Timing of the measures

Construction Site Coordination

  • Coordination and implementation of the SiGe (Health and Safety Plan) plan
  • Application of the general principles of risk prevention in accordance with §7 ASchG (ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz = Austrian Occupational Health and Safety Act)
  • If necessary, adaptation of the SiGe (Health and Safety Plan) plan and the document for subsequent work
  • Regular inspections according to construction progress
  • Solution-oriented consulting and moderation of the building trades
  • Reporting: Creating and sending site inspection reports

Safety specialist

acc. ASchG (ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz = Austrian Occupational Health and Safety Act)

  • Position of the “external safety expert” in accordance with ASchG (ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz = Austrian Occupational Health and Safety Act) for companies
  • Regular site inspections incl. reporting
  • Implementation of topic-related training and instruction on the construction site or in the company
  • Organization of ASA (Arbeitsschutzausschuss = Work safety meetings) meetings and foreman days
  • Preparation of accident statistics

Our Vision

What makes us special

Many years of experience

Individual and project-related support

Reliability and adherence to deadlines

Own employees

Ongoing training

All-round package: We take care of everything!

Construction coordination at the highest level

IG-control is sure to take care of your employees!

For international corporations, the highest security standards are part of their daily business. For us, these standards apply to everything from complex commercial buildings and residential complexes to terraced houses. IG-control supports clients and construction companies alike in implementing the prescribed safety measures directly on site.

The safety of construction workers is our top priority.

Our independent on-site construction site coordinator provides training for employees and monitors the safety measures and working conditions applied. He ensures the correct implementation of employee protection. He provides inspection reports and submits them at short notice.

Reliable and complete documentation

Employee protection is regulated in the Bauarbeiterschutzverordnung (Construction Workers Protection Ordinance). IG-control implements the measures required by the labor inspectorate and the site client in a sustainable manner and checks the protection regulations with trained employees on site.

Our Team

Ing. Ilan GIULI

+43/664/233 69 22

Günter Piffl
Construction Coordinator

+43/676/514 90 90

Ing. Stefanie Skreblin
Construction Coordinator

+43/676/701 84 30

Przemyslaw Madrzak
Construction Coordinator

+43 676 40 69 265

Ing. Stefan Faltejsek
Construction Coordinator

+43/676/487 88 01

Mag. Gudrun Schrömmer
Office Management

+43/664/885 13 192


recommended by

Road and Bridge Construction

  • ABM Kaisermühlen
  • Asfinag, Potzneusiedl rest station
  • Asfinag, Fischamend rest station
  • Asfinag base Walterskirchen
  • Reconstruction Gürtelbrücke, Vienna
  • Terrace Wiental
  • MA28: various road renovations,
  • Footbridge over B210,
  • Löwenbrücke, Baden
  • Erzherzog Rainer Brücke, Baden

Civil Engineering

  • Metro Station Matzleinsdorferplatz
  • Underground car park Neuer Markt, Wien

Partner Companies

Tried & tested

Our reliable Partners


IG control FlexCo

Dostgasse 17, 1140 Vienna
Office: Felberstraße 80/1/3, 1150 Vienna

+43/664/233 69 22

Office F80